13 Mart – 6 Nisan 2013
Sanatçı Deniz Gökduman, son dönem çalışmalarından oluşan kişisel sergisi “Yabancı” ile 13 Mart – 6 Nisan 2013 tarihleri arasında Art Suites Gallery Beyoğlu’nda.
“Figüratif çalışmalarıyla bilinen Deniz Gökduman’ın eserlerini içerdiği konu bakımından politik ve günlük hayat izlenimleri olarak iki ana başlıkta değerlendirmek mümkündür. Politik eserlerinde genellikle gündeme yönelik eleştirilere ve önemli simaların portrelerine yer veren sanatçı, günlük hayattan esinlendiği çalışmalarında çoğu kez kadın figürünü tercih eder. Kimi zaman erotik çağrışımlara göz kırpsa da Deniz Gökduman’ın kadın figürlerini güzelliğin yeryüzünde vücut bulmuş hâli olarak yorumlamak mümkündür. Çalışmalarında ışık ve gölgeye renklerle müdahale eden sanatçının resimlerinde, renkler kadar harfler ve rakamlar da estetik açıdan önem taşır. Çoğu kez bir yazar veya şairden alıntıladığı sözleri dağınık bir şekilde serpiştiren sanatçı–resmin içeriği ile bağlantılı olup olmamasını önemsemeden-bu yolla sevdiği isimlere göndermede bulunur. Hayatın, toplumsal koşulların, toplumun baskısı altında ezilen insanın, özellikle kadının, parçalanmış ve kendine yabancılaşmış ruhunu, parçalanmış imajlarla görselleştirmeye çalıştığı eserlerinden oluşan ve Albert Camus’dan ilhamla Yabancı adını verdiği bu sergisinde de Deniz Gökduman izleyicisini hem görsel hem de düşünsel bir yolculuğa çıkarıyor.”
Şafak Güneş GÖKDUMAN
Deniz Gökduman
1976 Balıkesir doğumlu olan Deniz Gökduman Lisans Eğitimini M.Ü. Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi’nde Prof. Dr. İsa Başlıoğlu ve Prof. Dr. Ramiz Aydın’ın atölyelerinde, Yüksek Lisansını İTÜ Görsel ve Çevresel Sanatlar bölümünde tamamlamıştır. Halen Trakya Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Bölümünde Öğretim Görevlisi Dr. olan Deniz Gökduman, M.Ü. Eğitim Bilimleri Enst. Resim Öğretmenliği Böl. Doktora Tezini bitirmiştir.
Art Suites Gallery
İstiklal Cad. Balo Sokak No:40 Beyoğlu İSTANBUL
Tel : 0212 251 55 61 Fax: 0212 251 55 62
artist Deniz Gökduman’s personel exhibition which the name of “Stranger” will be between the dates of
13 March – 6 April 2013 in Art Suites Gallery Beyoğlu.
artist Deniz Gökduman’s personel exhibition which the name of “Stranger” will be between the dates of
13 March – 6 April 2013 in Art Suites Gallery Beyoğlu.
It is possible to discuss the works of Deniz
Gökduman, who is well-known for his figurative works, in two major headings in
terms of the topics they deal with: political and daily life impressions.
Putting emphasis on criticisms intended forthe agenda and portraits of
significant names in general, the artist prefers the figure of woman in his
works that originate from daily life. Although he sometimes touches on to
erotic connotations, it is fair to interpret the woman figures painted by Deniz
Gökduman as the real beauties that came into existence on earth. Not only
colors, but also numbers and letters are of vital importance from the
aesthetical aspectof the paintings of the artist who applies colors to lights
and shadows in his works. The artist often scatters quotations from writers or
poets – without considering whether they are related to the topic of the work –
and refers to the people he admires in this way. Deniz Gökduman invites his
audience to a visual and spiritual journey in this exhibition “Stranger”
(inspired from the writer Albert Camus) that consists of works where he tries
to visualize the broken, self-alienated souls of people, especially women, who
are oppressed under the pressure of life, social conditions and society through
fragmented images.
Gökduman, who is well-known for his figurative works, in two major headings in
terms of the topics they deal with: political and daily life impressions.
Putting emphasis on criticisms intended forthe agenda and portraits of
significant names in general, the artist prefers the figure of woman in his
works that originate from daily life. Although he sometimes touches on to
erotic connotations, it is fair to interpret the woman figures painted by Deniz
Gökduman as the real beauties that came into existence on earth. Not only
colors, but also numbers and letters are of vital importance from the
aesthetical aspectof the paintings of the artist who applies colors to lights
and shadows in his works. The artist often scatters quotations from writers or
poets – without considering whether they are related to the topic of the work –
and refers to the people he admires in this way. Deniz Gökduman invites his
audience to a visual and spiritual journey in this exhibition “Stranger”
(inspired from the writer Albert Camus) that consists of works where he tries
to visualize the broken, self-alienated souls of people, especially women, who
are oppressed under the pressure of life, social conditions and society through
fragmented images.
Şafak Güneş GÖKDUMAN
Deniz Gökduman
Deniz Gökduman, who was born
in Balıkesir in 1976, completed his undergraduate education in Prof Dr İsa
Başoğlu and Prof Dr Ramiz Aydın’s art studios in Marmara University Atatürk
Education Faculty; and his graduate education in İTÜ Visual and Earth Arts.
Deniz Gökduman, who is now a lecturer in Trakya University Faculty of Fine Arts
painting department, completed his doctoral thesis in Marmara University,
Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Art Education.
in Balıkesir in 1976, completed his undergraduate education in Prof Dr İsa
Başoğlu and Prof Dr Ramiz Aydın’s art studios in Marmara University Atatürk
Education Faculty; and his graduate education in İTÜ Visual and Earth Arts.
Deniz Gökduman, who is now a lecturer in Trakya University Faculty of Fine Arts
painting department, completed his doctoral thesis in Marmara University,
Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Art Education.